An independent report by The Economist - Time to Take Gum Disease Seriously
Posted 09/21/2021
An independent report by The Economist entitled Time to Take Gum Disease Seriously – The Societal & Economic Impact of Periodontitis, covers the economic and human costs of periodontal disease in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. This report takes a unique approach in evaluating the health cost benefits of preventing and treating periodontal disease and associated conditions. The analysis shows billions of Euros can be saved if prevention of gingival inflammation is prioritized over treatment. These findings can be used to influence policy makers to support prevention of periodontal disease and improve oral health. The report was supported by The European Federation of Periodontology and P&G.
Providing Oral Health Education during COVID-19: Current Practices and Recommendations
Posted 09/21/2021
Oral hygiene instruction is more important now than ever. This new interactive CE course will provide dental practitioners with strategies to effectively educate patients about oral hygiene during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Posted 09/21/2021 by Author name
In “Rethink Your Toothbrush Recommendations”, Dr. Greg Asatrian and Dr. Boris Atlas review the literature comparing oscillating-rotating toothbrushes to sonic and manual toothbrushes to help you make evidence-based recommendations.
Posted 09/21/2021 by Author name
In “Is Stannous Fluoride the Unicorn of Fluorides?”, Dr. Samuel St. John and Dr. Ward Noble explain why stannous fluoride is such a unique and powerful fluoride based on science.
Scientific American: A Scientific Approach to Cleaning Your Mouth
Posted 09/20/2021
P&G has partnered with Scientific American and its Custom Media Division to explore the latest research connecting oral health and overall health. As part of the year-long partnership, Oral-B and Scientific American Custom Media are releasing a series of content, including educational resources from leading medical and dental researchers to help readers better understand the connections between oral health and whole body health. Articles cover topics such as: - the role of plaque biofilm in the progression of periodontal disease and the benefits of prevention via regular oral hygiene - the influence that microbial communities in the mouth have on our general health - evidence connecting oral health to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases - how periodontal disease may trigger, and worsen, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis and colon cancer