1. The temporomandibular joint is the only freely articulating joint in the skull. The mandibular condyle which is part of the joint articulates with the _______________.
  1. Which is the largest nasal concha?
  1. The paranasal sinuses are cavities within bones of the skull that are connected to openings in the nasal cavity. Which of the following bones has a paranasal sinus in it?
  1. The nasal cavity is divided into two separate cavities by the nasal septum. The two main bones that make up the bony nasal septum are the _______________.
  1. The maxilla is a large complex bone that houses the maxillary teeth. In what process are the teeth found?
  1. The mandible is an important bone in dentistry. The portion of the mandible that forms a synovial joint is generally known as the _______________.
  1. A prominent zygomatic arch is currently in fashion seen as a thing of beauty. What two bones make up the majority of this structure?
  1. Which of the following bones articulates with the frontal, occipital, ethmoid and lacrimal bones among others?
  1. Rotating the head is possible and produces the “no” movement. The joint that allows this movement is composed of which two bones?
  1. The auditory organ is protected within which bone?
  1. The third division of the trigeminal, the mandibular nerve, passes through the foramen ovale, labeled _____ below.
    Test questions 11 & 12 image
  1. The occipital condyle, labeled _____ below, is found on the inferior surface of the occipital bone and articulates with the atlas.
    Test questions 11 & 12 image
  1. The ramus itself splits at its superior extent into two processes. The anterior process known as the coronoid process, labeled _____ below, and is the attachment point for the temporalis muscle.
    Test question 13 image
  1. The zygomatic bone forms the central portion of the zygomatic arch and provides a large mass of bone at the lateral wall of the orbit and is labeled below as _____?
    Test question 14 image
  1. The styloid process, labeled _____ below, is an attachment point for both the stylopharyngeus muscle and the stylomandibular ligament, and is important to the proper functioning of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
    Test question 15 image