Test Preview

  1. Community water fluoridation was first introduced in Grand Rapids, MI in what year?
  1. Which of the following statements is true?
  1. The active ingredient in the first toothpaste approved by the ADA was _______________.
  1. What concentration of fluoride in a municipal water supply is required to significantly reduce the caries incidence without causing dental fluorosis?
  1. “Brown stain” was once used to describe a condition later known as _______________. 
  1. The major fluoride sources approved for use in the United States are _______________.
  1. Which of these compounds is (are) used as anti-calculus actives in tartar control toothpastes?
  1. The first Category A classification for a fluoridated dentifrice was awarded by the American Dental Association in __________.
  1. In 1981, the original active ingredient in Crest toothpaste was replaced with which fluoride ingredient?
  1. Public acceptance of therapeutic dentifrice occurred after the _______________.
  1. Remineralization of enamel requires ____________.
  1. Calcium surface active builders (CASAB) are a part of the new technologies and act to _______________.
  1. Fluorides main influence in the oral cavity is through _______________.
  1. Although original fluoride dentifrices greatly improved oral health by reducing caries incidence, the desire to treat both caries and gingivitis, coupled with the changing patterns in oral health, led to the development of _______________.
  1. Which of the following is true?