Test Preview

  1. To prevent or minimize HAIs among OHCP and patients, oral healthcare facilities, like all healthcare facilities, are mandated to develop a written infection control/exposure control protocol predicated on a hierarchy of preventive strategies.
  1. Which of the following statements, in reference to the mandated Infection Control/Exposure Control Protocol, are correct?
  1. The information from which inferences can be drawn about the quality of infection control/exposure control practices includes ____________.
  1. The objectives of the education and training program are to educate OHCPs regarding ____________.
  1. Principal prerequisites for cross-infection include a ____________.
  1. Pathogens may be transferred from the source to a host by contact transmission, i.e., direct or indirect contact transmission; or respiratory transmission, i.e., inhalation of droplets or droplet nuclei (airborne transmission).
  1. Pathogenic organisms of concern in the oral healthcare setting include ____________.
  1. All of the following statements with respect to education and training are correct EXCEPT which one?
  1. All of the following statements are correct in relation to hepatitis B vaccination EXCEPT which one?
  1. All of the following statements with respect to hepatitis B vaccination are true EXCEPT which one?
  1. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is designed to protect the skin and mucous membranes (eyes, nose, and mouth) and respiratory epithelium of OHCP from exposure to a source or reservoir of pathogenic organisms by contact transmission, i.e., direct or indirect contact transmission; and respiratory transmission, i.e., inhalation of droplets or droplet nuclei (airborne transmission).
  1. Which of the following statements are true regarding protective clothing?
  1. All of the following statements are true regarding gloves EXCEPT which one?
  1. Which of the following statements are true regarding facemasks?
  1. Protective eyewear with solid side shields or a face shield must be worn by OHCP and patients during the clinical process likely to generate splash, splatter, and aerosols.
  1. The technique of wetting the hands under warm running water, applying an antimicrobial soap (e.g., chlorhexidine, iodine and iodophors, chloroxylenol, or triclosan), rubbing the hands together vigorously for 15 seconds to work-up a lather, using the fingernails to clean the fingernails on the opposing hand, rinsing the soap off with the hands held under warm running water, and drying the hands with a disposable paper towel is ____________.
  1. All of the following statements are correct with respect to preparing the DTR for the patient except which one?
  1. All of the following precautions are correct with respect to the treatment phase of patient care except which one?
  1. All of the following precautions are correct with respect to the DTR-turn-around between patients except which one?
  1. Which of the following procedures are to be performed when securing the DTR at the end of the day?
  1. Generally, blood and/or saliva-tinted items (e.g., disposable clinic gowns, gloves, and patient bibs) are not considered regulated waste and are placed in the regular trash receptacle.
  1. All of the following statements are correct relative to regulated waste except which one?
  1. In the receiving, cleaning, and decontamination section of the central instrument processing area, reusable instruments are first cleaned with a hands-free process using an ultrasonic system with a strainer-type basket.
  1. Noncritical items, i.e., items that contact only skin during their intended use may be disinfected with an EPA-registered intermediate level disinfectant without a tuberculocidal claim.
  1. Heat-tolerant semi-critical and critical items must be heat sterilized in an FDA cleared device.
  1. Which of the following is true regarding monitoring the correct functioning of a sterilizer?
  1. All handpieces, unless disposable, are heat sterilized between patients according to manufacturers’ recommendations.
  1. Backflow in low-volume suction lines occur and microorganisms present in the lines may be retracted into the patient’s mouth when:
  1. Ideally, FDA-cleared film barrier pouches should be used when exposing dental films; after exposure, the film should be removed from the pouch and placed in a clean container.
  1. All of the following statements are correct in relation to infection control-related issues in association with oral surgical procedures EXCEPT which one?
  1. All of the following statements are correct in relation to extracted teeth EXCEPT which one?
  1. All of the following statements are correct in relation to laboratory asepsis EXCEPT which one?
  1. Impressions, prostheses, and other devices must be rinsed under running tap water to remove blood and OPIM, disinfected with an EPA-registered intermediate-level disinfectant with tuberculocidal claim, and thoroughly rinsed under running tap water before handling.
  1. Charts should be notated and radiographs viewed before gloving or after the gloves are removed and the hands are washed, unless cover gloves are worn.
  1. All of the following statements are correct in relation to environmental infection control EXCEPT which one?
  1. All of the following statements are correct in relation to post-exposure evaluation and follow-up EXCEPT which one?
  1. After percutaneous, mucous membrane, or non-intact skin exposure to blood or OPIM the consulting physician will initiate post-exposure prophylaxis (if applicable) and follow-up according to the latest CDC recommendations.
  1. In a community-based oral healthcare setting, implementation and enforcement of TB infection-control protocol provides for prompt ____________.
  1. To prevent the transmission of respiratory tract infections, the implementation of Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette applies to which of the following persons with cough, congestion, rhinorrhea, or increased production of respiratory secretions entering an oral healthcare facility?
  1. To minimize latex allergy-related health problems among OHCPs and patients:
  1. To minimize the exposure of patients to OHCPs who have been exposed to or have been diagnosed with an infectious disease, which of the following factors are considered in imposing restrictions on clinical practice?
  1. Which of the following are considered Category I procedures, i.e., procedures with minimal risk of bloodborne pathogen transmission?