1. Which structural component comprises the majority of the tooth?
  1. The cancellous bone in the posterior mandible _______________.
  1. Which phrase best describes the periodontal ligament space?
  1. Which primary teeth erupt between nine and thirteen months of age?
  1. The permanent maxillary canine teeth erupt _______________.
  1. Which phrase accurately describes tooth eruption?
  1. Which feature is characteristic of tooth ankylosis?
  1. Which term best describes the position angulation of the impacted tooth recorded on this periapical radiograph?
    CE651 Test question 8 diagnostic image
  1. What is the definition of the term anodontia?
  1. Which is the most common type of supernumerary tooth?
  1. Which phrase an an apt description of microdontia?
  1. Gemination is an anomaly in which _______________.
  1. Each phrase is consistent with dens evaginatus EXCEPT one.  Which is this EXCEPTION?
  1. According to Oehlers Classification, the most severe form of dens invaginatus involves the _______________.
  1. Which phrase accurately describes taurodontism?
  1. Hypercementosis is characterized by _______________.
  1. Of the teeth listed, which is most frequently affected by root dilaceration?
  1. What causes abfraction of the tooth structure?
  1. Each description of external resorption is correct EXCEPT one. Which is this EXCEPTION?
  1. Which feature is characteristic of pulp stones?