Which structural component comprises the majority of the tooth?
A. Enamel
B. Cementum
C. Dentin
D. Pulp
The cancellous bone in the posterior mandible _______________.
A. consists of many thin rods and plates of bone
B. contains numerous tiny islands of bone marrow
C. displays a fine granular appearance radiographically
D. has large sparse trabeculae and marrow spaces
Which phrase best describes the periodontal ligament space?
A. Cushions the tooth via flexible collagen fibers
B. Lines the entire periphery of the tooth socket
C. Located approximately 0.5 to 2.0 mm from the CEJ
D. Visualized as a radiopaque structure on dental images Lines the entire periphery of the tooth socket
Which primary teeth erupt between nine and thirteen months of age?
A. Mandibular canine teeth
B. Mandibular first molars
C. Maxillary lateral incisors
D. Maxillary second molars
The permanent maxillary canine teeth erupt _______________.
A. after the mandibular canine teeth
B. after the maxillary second molars
C. before the mandibular first premolars
D. before the maxillary lateral incisors
Which phrase accurately describes tooth eruption?
A. Considered delayed if tooth emergence is 6 months behind
B. Continues after tooth emergence to offset masticatory wear
C. Not affected by factors such as age, race, gender, or ethnicity
D. Occurs once half of the tooth root has formed and calcified
Which feature is characteristic of tooth ankylosis?
A. Dentinal fusion with the coronal enamel
B. Involvement of the permanent dentition
C. Occlusal plane submersion of the crown
D. Widening of the periodontal ligament space
Which term best describes the position angulation of the impacted tooth recorded on this periapical radiograph?
A. Distoangular
B. Inverted
C. Mesioangular
D. Vertical
What is the definition of the term anodontia?
A. Absence of the third molars
B. Lack of tooth development
C. One or more missing teeth
D. Six or more missing teeth
Which is the most common type of supernumerary tooth?
A. Distodens
B. Distomolar
C. Mesiodens
D. Paramolar
Which phrase an an apt description of microdontia?
A. Frequently associated with hyperdontia
B. Linked to teeth crowding and malocclusion
C. Tendency for occurrence in the male gender
D. Usually involves the maxillary lateral incisor
Gemination is an anomaly in which _______________.
A. a single tooth tries to divide into two
B. a tooth forms larger than normal size
C. two adjacent teeth join to form one tooth
D. two separate teeth fuse along the root
Each phrase is consistent with dens evaginatus EXCEPT one. Which is this EXCEPTION?
A. Coronal cusp-like projection of enamel
B. Mandibular premolar teeth most affected
C. Produces an involution of tooth structure
D. Found commonly in aboriginal racial groups
According to Oehlers Classification, the most severe form of dens invaginatus involves the _______________.
A. crown cingulum
B. incisal edge
C. pulp chamber
D. tooth root
Which phrase accurately describes taurodontism?
A. Demonstrates elongated pulp chamber anatomy
B. Greatest incidence is among Asian populations
C. Is frequently associated with fractured molar teeth
D. Tendency toward a female gender predilection
Hypercementosis is characterized by _______________.
A. Innumerous tiny nobs of cementum
B. Lobular, misshaped root anatomy
C. Outcroppings of secondary dentin
D. Short stubby root configuration
Of the teeth listed, which is most frequently affected by root dilaceration?
A. Mandibular canine teeth
B. Mandibular first molars
C. Maxillary second premolars
D. Maxillary third molar teeth
What causes abfraction of the tooth structure?
A. Chemical agent exposure
B. Friction-induced wearing
C. Heavy occlusal forces
D. Tooth-to-tooth contact
Each description of external resorption is correct EXCEPT one. Which is this EXCEPTION?
A. Linked to excessive mechanical forces
B. Produces a distinct tooth discoloration
C. Root dentin and cementum are affected
D. Usually involves more than one tooth
Which feature is characteristic of pulp stones?
A. Affected teeth have a long trauma history
B. Correlated strongly with increased age
C. Pulp chamber is diminished in overall size
D. Focal calcifications within chambers/canals