How to Use This Toolkit

This toolkit was created to make it easier for you to continue the conversation with your patients when discussing electric rechargeable toothbrushes.  You can continue below to begin downloading resources.

Step 1: Click on an image below and download it to share.
Step 2: Copy and paste the “suggested post copy” that accompanies the photo (or write your own if you prefer) Note: Be sure to include URL to give your patients more information.
Step 3: Post regularly to keep the conversation on “Why Oral-B Electric Rechargeable?” going.

Suggested Post Copy

Did you know that Oral-B electric rechargeable toothbrushes have Bluetooth technology?

Find the best electric rechargeable toothbrush for you.

Oral-B Toothbrushes have Bluetooth Technology

Did you know that your Oral-B electric rechargeable toothbrush will talk to your smartphone to help you stay motivated while you brush?

Oral-B Power Toothbrushes will talk to your smartphone

Ever wanted to test out a product before you purchased it? Now you can try Oral-B electric rechargeable in our office. Ask our office at your next visit.

Try Oral-B power in our office

Would you buy a car without taking it on a test drive? Now you can take an Oral-B electric rechargeable toothbrush on a test drive, too! Ask our office how!

Watch the Video

Now you can take an Oral-B electric rechargeable brush on a test drive,
Email for Test Drive Program

Below is an email image to use in your patient communication.

USe this image in your patient communication
Learn how to create compelling and informative emails

If you are not currently running an email campaign, you may want to consider it.  Email is an important tool that increases brand awareness and can cultivate loyal patients.  It takes time to create an effective email campaign.  Each time you sit down to tackle a new campaign, you should have three things in mind: purpose, approach and design.

Below, you’’ll learn more about each of these three principles.

If you are not currently running an email campaign, you may want to consider it.  Email is an important tool that increases brand awareness and can cultivate loyal patients.  It takes time to create an effective email campaign.  Each time you sit down to tackle a new campaign, you should have three things in mind: purpose, approach and design.

Below, you’’ll learn more about each of these three principles.

1. Purpose

Every email you send should have a clear purpose and benefit.  Before you start to layout an email, think about your objective.

Keep your audience in mind as you consider your purpose.  Is your message relevant?  Is there an obvious benefit?

2. Approach

Once you have defined the purpose of your email campaign, think about what you want to say and how you should say it to boost engagement.

Will you offer an incentive or just provide information?  Is a single campaign sufficient or does it merit a series of campaigns?

3. Design

With purpose and approach in place, you are ready to design your campaign.  Designing a campaign that meets your objective while also being relevant to your audience can seem like a difficult task.  These Design Guide resources offer tips and guidance on how to engage your subscribers.

Your Style and Brand
Brand recognition and engagement starts with defining your brand.  Create a style guide and maintain visual consistency across all communications materials.

Textual Content and Messaging
Some of your messages may be relevant to only a portion of your list. Determine who should receive your message and figure out the best way to share it.

Layout Tips
Order of content is important. Create brand recognition as soon as the email is opened and display your message clearly.

Calls to Action
Give subscribers a clear place to engage with the purpose of your email.

Test Your Design
Go beyond testing the links in your campaign.  Test and tweak your campaign design or content to further engage your subscribers.