SOFT TISSUE CYSTS Compressible; well-circumscribed; asymptomatic; slowly growing; overlying mucosa is normal. |
Gingival cyst | Located on attached gingiva anterior to 1st molars |
Lymphoepithelial cyst | Usually has yellow color; occurs in floor of mouth, ventral & lateral surfaces of tongue, soft palate & tonsillar area; also occurs in anterior cervical lymph node chain (branchial cleft or cervical lymphoepithelial cyst) |
Epidermoid or dermoid cyst | “Doughy” to palpation; usually occurs in floor of mouth; occurs commonly in skin |
Thyroglossal tract cyst | Occurs in midline of neck; may be attached to hyoid bone & moves when patient swallows |
Nasolabial cyst | Located in maxillary labial fold & ala of nose area |
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