
This three part course presents basic facts and concepts of head and neck anatomy. The course is not intended to replace in-depth studying of anatomy but is a guide to review the basics of anatomy as it relates to the dental field. It is essential for all dental professionals to recognize the normal appearance and functions of the structures found in the head and neck. Beyond the teeth, muscles and neurological factors can play a role in symptoms that exist. Various medical conditions first present in the head and neck as deviations of normal. Understanding important landmarks and anatomy are key to providing proper care and diagnosis.

A note to the student – The study of head and neck anatomy is not a romantic tale of love lost, won and lost again. It is full of terminology and should not be read as one would read a novel. It is easy to conflate the information if read all at once. You should take breaks on occasion to allow what you have read to sink in before attacking yet another set of structures.

As the muscles discussed are all anchored to bones you should be familiar with the bony structures of the head covered in Head and Neck Anatomy: Part I – Bony Structures (CE591) prior to studying the muscles.