
While this course presents basic facts and concepts of head and neck anatomy it is not intended to replace an in-depth study of anatomy but is a guide to review the basics of anatomy as it relates to the dental field and assist the dental professional to recognize the normal anatomy of the head and neck. Muscles and nerves play a key role in many pathological conditions. As muscles are attached to the bones and the nerves pass through passages in the bones, the skeletal system provides fixed landmarks to describe symptoms even if not a source of the pathology. Various medical conditions first present in the head and neck as deviations of normal. Understanding important landmarks and anatomy are key to providing proper care and diagnosis. Part 1 of this 3-part series reviews the bony structures of the skull.

A note to the student – The study of head and neck anatomy is not a swashbuckling tale of mystery and adventure. It is full of terminology and should not be read as one would read a novel. It is easy to conflate the information if read all at once. The advantage of this type of course is that you can take breaks on occasion to allow what you have read to sink in before attacking yet another set of terms.

Words are not sufficient to understand this topic so referring to diagrams is absolutely necessary. Each section will have diagrams that highlight the areas discussed. There are also figures that include all the markings at the end of the text. These can be accessed with a button on each screen. Underlined words, if hovered over, will guide the reader to the diagrams that match that structure. In practice skulls are three-dimensional so, if possible, a skull is recommended to the supplement the diagrams. However, the quality of the plastic skulls available varies considerably and not all structures will be found on even the most expensive of them, but even with their limitations they are a big help in fully understanding and appreciating structures from various aspects inside and outside the skull to fully understand structures in head and neck anatomy head and neck anatomy.