MOTHER'S DAY (MAY 10, 2020)
Choose your platforms wisely.
There are quite a few social media platforms, which means there are many options beyond Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and Instagram. Take some time to see which platforms are best for your practice. Limit the number of platforms that you use. It can be difficult to manage social media if you are using too many platforms.
Choose a consistent handle.
Every social network requires a “handle” or name. Make yours consistent, and make sure it’s available to claim on all networks. Whatever you pick for Facebook should be used on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest and any other network you sign up for. In theory, fans will start tagging you on Instagram and tweeting to you on Twitter. A confusing “handle” may make this difficult to do.
Create a plan and a feed of content.
Think about the ways you can repurpose the content you already have and the steps you can take to create new content. Can you reuse any press coverage you’ve received and share it on Facebook? Can your office manager take staff photos and share the images on Instagram? Can you create posts that address problems, concerns, or interests your patients have? Share peeks behind the scenes, ways you are improving your practice, showcase patient stories, and how you helped them succeed.
The 'Boostable' label indicates posts that conform to Facebook's "20%" rule. Posts that are "boosted" appear higher in News Feed to help more people see them.