acidogenic – Acid producing.
antimicrobial – Destroying or suppressing the growth of microorganisms.
buffer – A substance that minimizes a change in pH of a solution by neutralizing added acids and bases.
calculus – Hard mineralized deposit on the teeth.
carbohydrates – A group of chemical compounds, including sugars, starches, and cellulose.
carcinogenic – A cancer causing agent.
cariogenic – A caries causing agent.
cavitation – Pitting of the enamel, resulting in caries.
chronic – Of long duration.
circumscribed – To confine within boundaries.
demineralize – A process by which mineral components are removed from mineralized tissues.
dentifrice – Toothpaste or tooth cleaning compound.
diastema – Abnormally large space between teeth.
enamel – The outer surface of the crown of the tooth.
erythroplakia – A flat red patch or lesion in the mouth.
erythematous – A redness of the tissue, often a sign of inflammation or infection.
etiology – The study of the cause of a disease.
expectorate – To spit.
hyperplastic – Unusual growth in a part of the body, caused by excessive multiplication of cells.
hypersalivation – Excessive production of saliva.
incipient – Early beginning or development of a cavity.
infectivity – Capable of producing infection.
interproximal – The area between two adjacent teeth.
localized – Confined to a specific area.
malignant – A disease or condition likely to cause serious harm or death.
metastasis – Transmitting from one area of the body to another.
neoplasm – Abnormal growth of tissue; tumor.
papilla – Gingiva in the interproximal spaces.
papillomavirus – Viruses that cause benign epithelial tumors.
paresthesia – Abnormal or impaired skin sensation.
pathology – Study of the nature of a disease; abnormal manifestations of a disease.
periodontal – Tissues surrounding the teeth.
plaque – A soft deposit on the teeth.
polysaccharides – A group of nine or more monosaccharides joined together.
premalignant – Precancerous.
prognosis – A prediction of the outcome of a disease.
remineralization – A process enhanced by the presence of fluoride whereby partially decalcified tooth surfaces become recalcified by mineral replacement.
subgingival – Below the gingiva.
sucrose – A type of sugar.
sulcus – Groove or depression.
systemic – Affecting the entire body.
supragingival – Above the gingiva.
ulcerated – To form an ulcer.
ventral – Lower surface of the tongue.
xerostomia – A lack of saliva causing unusual dryness of the mouth.
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