On inspection, a 2.0 x 3.0 cm exophytic lesion was identified on the right facial gingiva and alveolar mucosa, adjacent to the lateral incisor and canine. (Figure 2) This sessile, nontender nodule was firm and rubbery to palpation. The surface mucosa was smooth and intact with a patchy light brown pigmentation. Both the lateral incisor and canine exhibited Class I mobility. In addition to a large diastema between these anterior teeth, the canine was displaced slightly toward the palate. (Figure 3) Periodontal examination of the involved teeth revealed probing depths that were 3mm and attachment levels were affected minimally. Comprehensive intraoral examination revealed multiple missing teeth, numerous carious lesions, and mild chronic periodontitis. No other soft tissue lesions were identified in the head and neck region, although several keloids were documented on the skin of the extremities.
3mm and attachment levels were affected minimally. comprehensive intraoral examination revealed multiple missing teeth, numerous carious lesions, and mild chronic periodontitis. no other soft tissue lesions were identified in the head and neck region, although several keloids were documented on the skin of the extremities.