Environmental Infection Prevention and Control continuing education course presents essential elements of environmental infection prevention and control in oral healthcare settings with emphasis on meeting basic expectations for safe care.
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Syllabus: Infection Prevention, Hazardous Waste Management, and Hazard Communication Compliance
The information in this 13-module syllabus is intended (1) to meet initial educational/training requirements for Dental Students, Dental Hygiene Students, and Dental Assistant Students as mandated by OSHA and other federal, state, local and professional organizations, (2) to provide a framework for an in-service training program in oral healthcare settings to meet annual educational/training requirements as mandated by OSHA and other federal, state, local and professional organizations, and (3) to serve as a resource for oral healthcare personnel wishing to review evidence-based information on specific topics related to infection prevention, hazardous waste management, and hazard communication compliance.
Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Submission
For credit transfers to appear in your AGD account in real time, make sure to add your AGD membership number in the field provided on the “Share Your Test Score” page.
CE Broker
For all states that use CE Broker for licensure, “proof of completions” are electronically reported the first of every month. If a course was taken in November, the “proof of completion” will be submitted the beginning of December.
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