Bones are joined by articulations. These come in different types and have different functions. In the head and neck, we find a number of different types of joints each of which is adapted for the function of that joint. The following is a description of the types of joints found in the area along with where they are found in the head and neck.
Synostoses – These joints are immovable bony unions. They seem not to be joints at all as they look like one continuous piece of bone. These are found between a number of bones in the skull. One example is the union of the two maxillary bones, the junction of which is not discernable in many areas.
Sutures – These joints are characterized by a complex interlocking of bone but with a small space that is secured by connective tissue. These joints are also common in the skull and the important ones will be discussed later. The parietal bones are joined in the midline by a suture.
Symphysis – These slightly movable joints have fibrocartilage between the bone surfaces. They exhibit slight movement and are found between the cervical vertebrae except for the atlanto occipital and atlantoaxial joints to be discussed in the next section.
Synovial Joints – Synovial joints are freely moving joints that are held together with connective tissue. This tissue will form a capsule that is filled with a lubricating fluid called synovial fluid. To further lessen the friction within the joint the joint surfaces will be covered in hyaline cartilage which is very smooth compared to bone. The movement allowed at each joint is a function of the shape of the articular surfaces and any ligaments that act to limit the motion in a particular direction. Synovial joints are classified by the types of movements they allow. There are four of these in the skull. They are described below: